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184 Main Collins Street | West victoria 8007

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Past events

Without the generosity of parents, staff and other donaters, we would not be able to run these events every year so we would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support




Summer Raffle 2021

This summer we held one of our annual raffles and raised an amazing £1000.Many thanks to all the local business, families and staff that donated the wonderful prizes, and to all of those who bought tickets.

A full list of winners is available by emailing info@friendsoffreemantles.co.uk




Autism Awareness Week – March 2021

This year for Autism Awareness Week we ran our own Super 7 Challenge were parents/carers and staff were encouraged to challenge themselves to try something new and raise money for our minibus campaign. We had runners, walkers and donators and we raised a staggering £4,901. Thank you to all that got involved!




Pantomime – Jan 2019

This year our Pantomime, kindly donated by a company owned by a parent, was Robin Hood, and ran on a Saturday afternoon in the school hall. It is always a lively atmosphere with fun songs and kids joining in on stage and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A wonderful addition to our annual events.

We raised

over £1,500


Christmas Raffle 2018

Our Christmas 2018 Raffle was very successful this year and with parents, school staff and taxi staff all trying their luck, we raised a very impressive amount. Thanks to all who participated.

We raised nearly


Pantomime – Jan 2018

This year our Pantomime, kindly donated by a company owned by a parent, was Hansel and Gretel, and ran on a Sunday afternoon in the school hall. It is always a lively atmosphere with fun songs and kids joining in on stage and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A wonderful addition to our annual events.

We raised



Summer Fun Day – July 2018

Our most recent event was our Summer Fun Day, held within the school grounds on Sunday July 1st. The aim was to get families and staff together to come and have some fun with fellow parents and children, win some prizes and enjoy some good food. Stalls included tombolas, BBQ, Beat The Goalie, Bake A Cake competition, drinks and ice creams, strawberries and cream and second hand uniform and toys. Despite the hot weather we had a great attendance.

We raised




Raffle Draws – 2018

Each Easter and Christmas we run a raffle draw which is always very popular. We send home books of raffle tickets and parents get their friends and families involved too. Well, with such high prizes to win, who wouldn’t want to try their luck? Top prize this Easter was £250!! Over the years these raffle draws have raised thousands of pounds for the school.

We raised


Tombolas – 2018

Whenever possible, we get our trusty tombola drum out! Always there when the school run Christmas or Easter activity afternoons for parents to join their children in class, we give them the opportunity to win yummy Easter eggs or Christmas chocolates and bottles of booze. Next time you come to one of these afternoons, make sure you bring some pennies to spend!! This Easter in particular was hugely successful.

We raised



Smarties Campaign – Feb 2018

Every year we run the Smarties campaign which is always a success thanks to the generosity of the parents. We send home a tube of Smarties and parents send them back to us full of loose change. As the saying goes “Every penny counts” and with this campaign it really does